Friday, October 6, 2017

Embrace the Impossible

Prior to 1954, it was “proven" to be physically impossible to run a mile in under 4 minutes. Prior to 1962 it was impossible to go to the moon. Prior to 2014, it was impossible for me to complete an Ironman. All of those have since been done, multiple times. Here are three reasons to embrace the impossible:

1. Program Your Mind and Body for Success
The body always moves in the direction of your dominant thoughts. Your subconscious controls 95% of what you do. The messages you receive and believe, whether from yourself or others, are what shape your destiny.  Once you truly believe in something, it programs your mind and body in a positive way that drives success.

2. Listen to the Best Motivational Speech
Tell me I can't do something, and I will prove you wrong. I was over 250 pounds, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high sugar, and a high risk for cardiovascular disease. I never swam, hadn’t biked since I was a kid, and had sustained a severe running injury years prior that left health care professionals saying, “You will never run again.”  So why sign up for an Ironman triathlon, which consists of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and then a 26.2 mile run?  Easy, people told me I couldn’t do it. That's all the motivation I needed.  Next time someone says you can’t do something, take it as a challenge.

3. Destroy False, Man-Made, Self-Imposed Limitations
If babies were like well-trained adults, every single one of us would have stopped trying to stand and walk after their first 100 failed attempts.  Babies would fail repeatedly and say, "This is impossible."  But they don't.  It's not until they self-impose limits of what's perceived to be possible, or not.  Luke 18:27 says, “What is impossible with man is possible with God." In Matthew 17:20, it says, “…if you have faith as small as a mustard seed ... nothing will be impossible for you.” Each and every day, miracles happen, and the impossible becomes possible.

Carve out 10 minutes alone. Turn off your cell phone, get away from the barking dogs, and no TV.  Just you, your thoughts and a place to take notes.  Ask yourself the following questions:
  • What self-limiting beliefs have you (or others) imposed upon yourself (e.g., I can’t wake up early, I can’t lose weight, I can’t run a mile, I can’t earn more money)?
  • What are some things you’d like to do but don’t believe they’re possible, and why don’t you believe they’re possible? 
  • Pick your top item and figure out how to make it happen. What belief(s) will re-program your subconscious mind for success? What action can you take to start to change that paradigm, right now?

Welcome to the new you.  Enjoy the journey... 

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